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I must warn you about probability of total useless of my posts for you. But Most likely you have been given link to this site, because you have same interests. Enjoy then! :D

6 мая 2009 г.

First pose

Surprisingly, for the time i had gmod10 (HUEG THANKS goes to GARGANTUA for buying me it, you rox, man!) i haven;t posed ragdolls, i played with them in 9th, but mos of time i was constructing another-deadly-shit in wire or updating my 'ub3r l33t h4x a1mb0t' aka krasBot. Here is first my pose ever in gmod10, theme is what is happeining on server when 2 deathminges are being pissed off! :D
actually, on the picture xen0morph is me(my gaming nick) and dumbass^^, my friend ificting death and chaos in some funny form. XD

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